Webinar: What Employers Need to Know about Notice and Disclosure Requirements for Group Health Plans - Bim Group

Webinar: What Employers Need to Know about Notice and Disclosure Requirements for Group Health Plans

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
2:00 p.m. ET / 11:00 a.m. PT

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This webinar will help plan sponsors to understand the compliance issues surrounding retiree health plan coverage.

This webinar will:

  • Discuss notices that should be provided at open enrollment, such as ERISA notices, Medicare Part D creditable coverage disclosure, HIPAA notice of privacy practices, and wellness program notice and any recent changes to template notices provided by the DOL that employers should be aware of
  • Discuss annual notices and disclosures that are provided outside of open enrollment during the plan year and any recent changes to templates
  • Discuss the timing requirements of when notices and disclosures must be provided and the differences in timing requirements when an employer is using a calendar year or a non-calendar plan year
  • Highlight differences between notice requirements for fully-insured plans and self-funded plans
  • Discuss the DOL rules for electronic distribution of notices and the types of notices that can be distributed electronically
  • Discuss best practices for tracking notice distribution, including document retention periods

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This intermediate-level webinar will help plan sponsors to understand the compliance issues surrounding retiree health plan coverage.

Register today while seating is still available.

NOTE: If you would like to view the webinar but are not able to attend, we encourage you to still register as you normally would. All registrants will receive a replay and copy of the presentation afterwards. 

If you are a Bim Group client and missed the client-specific invitation, please email info@bimgroup.us with the CLIENT NAME in the subject line to have the preferred employer code emailed to you.



Chelsea Deppert is an associate in the Atlanta office of Fisher Phillips. She provides practical guidance to employers on the technical aspects of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and other state and federal laws impacting the design, implementation and ongoing compliance of employee benefit plans and programs. She advises clients with respect to all aspects of employee benefits, including retirement plans, health and other welfare benefit plans.


This series is brought to you by your Partner Firm of United Benefit Advisors — the nation’s leading independent employee benefits advisory organization with more than 200 Partner offices in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.


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